Comprehensive support by our aviation industry expert network
As a “One-stop shop”, we provide not only technical support services but also a comprehensive selection of consulting and training services.

Linked Consulting Services
Airport strategy design
Wherever a strategic concept is missing or is no longer up-to-date, our airport experts assist to work out appropriate proposals in team-work together with the airport operator. In contrast to other consultants, we can use our own proven software applications to underpin our conceptual approach with appropriate numbers.
By doing that, we fully disclose all calculations and explain in detail. At any time we are ready to install our applications on the Client’s IT system based on a license agreement. Further revisions and annual updates are made by the airport’s employees with only marginal support. This saves time and costs.
- General megatrends in the aviation market
- Current market position (catchment area, competitors, home-based co-operation partners)
- Actual traffic structure (traffic sources, traffic types, target market segments, airlines)
- Alternative market demand forecast scenarios
- Future capacity bottlenecks (timely traffic distribution, medium- and long-term capacity constraints)
- Short-, medium- and long-term air traffic and ground traffic forecast
- Connectivity improvement and airline marketing strategy
- Short- and medium-term action program
All conceptual works are supported by or calculation model Traffic
- Current work scope and human resource capacity analysis
- Quality and efficiency benchmarks
- Demand-related human resource capacity requirement forecast scenarios
- Human resource and personnel-related add-on cost forecast
- Efficiency improvement program
- Short- and medium-term action program
All conceptual works are supported by or calculation model Human Capacities
- Current work scope and asset capacity analysis
- Demand-related asset capacity requirement forecast scenarios
- Short,- medium- and long-term technical development concept
- Capital expenditure program
- Asset-related operating cost forecast
- Quality and efficiency improvement program
- Short- and medium-term action program
All conceptual works are supported by or calculation model Asset Capacities
- Financial status analysis
- Demand- and capacity-related sales and operating cost forecast
- Corporate and project-related financing strategies
- Financial stress tests
- Commercial efficiency improvement program
- Short- and medium-term action program
All conceptual works are supported by or calculation model Finance
- Macro-economic effects and environmental analysis
- Demand- and capacity-related macroeconomic effect (value added, jobs, taxes)
- Environmental effect forecast (noise and pollutant emissions) forecast scenarios
- Environmental strategy and sustainability improvement program
- Short- and medium-term action program
All conceptual works are supported by or calculation model Environment

Expert Trainings
Training on the job – directly at your working place or “online”
In order to transfer the required know-how to our Clients, we organize special in-house trainings and public airport planning seminars. In all our training programs, we work with our tried-and-tested tools on specific questions of the Client or on examples from everyday aviation practice.
As part of our in-house trainings, the functions and capabilities of the software applications will be demonstrated by using practical examples from the airport’s own operations.
The trainings can take place at the premises of the airport operator or in our head office in Vienna, Austria. Shorter sessions can also be organized “online” in between.
For our public seminars we invite the users of our software applications together with some planning experts to workshops with special topics out of the real world of airports and to elaborate concrete solutions. Users can exchange their experiences and develop ideas supported by our extperts.