Our vast experience and the proven industrial expertise allows AI-MS to provide its services by taking on various roles such as external consultant, management trainer, outsourced consulting service provider or project manager. We assist in the implementation and organisation of planning teams composed of in-house experts and external specialists, and we offer staff training.
The workshop programme offers participants a variety of subject areas which can be assigned in each case to one of the elementary areas of the strategic management of airports. Throughout the workshop, technical/specialist lectures alternate with practical examples which are presented with substantive solutions and proven methods. Along with the approach planning instruments, computer models and report formats are shown with whose help the solutions can be worked out in an efficient and transparent way.
We support our clients during the implementation of new methods and software applications by providing organisation concepts and specialised in-house expert training.
Our publicly accessible workshop program offers participants a variety of topics from all relevant areas of strategic airport management. In our workshops, specialist lectures alternate with practical examples in which solution approaches and tried-and-tested methods are presented. It shows many different planning tools, calculation models and report formats that can be used to develop solutions in an efficient and transparent way. Meet colleagues from other airports and discuss your problem from airport expert to airport expert.
To learn more about our workshop programme visit the education programme of the Zagreb International Airport Aviation Academy.