The processing and merging of the individual process steps is interpreted as a never-ending work process, in which the updated partial results must always be embedded in the overall result. As a result, new or updated market and company data can be brought into the decision-making process and the entire system kept up to date. The individual steps are coordinated in terms of content and timing and together form a planning cycle. The airport development concept supported by MAPS can thus also be seen as the result of successive development cycles within which the individual process steps run in an iterative form until a satisfactory and inherently homogeneous airport development concept is present.
The market and corporate analysis comprises the collection of basic data, the transfer of the data into the planning and information system and the targeted analysis of the data. The market and corporate analysis attempts to identify or quantify the “driving forces” behind developments in various planning areas and thus forms the basis of all planning activities. MAPS offers a comprehensive tool catalog for analyzing historical market and sales developments, analyzing personnel and asset capacities, analyzing the financial position and recording external effects in the vicinity of the airport.
Based on the results of the market and corporate analysis, forecast calculations for all material planning areas (traffic – capacity – finance – environment) can either be completely rebuilt or adapted in some areas. However, this process should not be limited to a single, one-dimensional prognosis, but should capture several possible development scenarios and identify risks in a “multidimensional planning process”.
The forecast model provided by MAPS (or the individual forecasting modules) forms a central element of the planning and information system, with which possible developments can be mapped from a variety of planning parameters in the form of alternative development scenarios.
The process of strategy development involves combining and interpreting the results of market and business analysis with the results of alternative scenario predictions to “strategically diagnose” the current competitive position of the company as well as formulate a “long-term airport development concept”.
To this end, MAPS offers a comprehensive selection of coordinated tools and tried-and-tested methods that can be used to transfer quantified calculation results into concepts and to translate verbally formulated concepts into quantified target values.
After defining the basic objectives and a general direction, further steps can be taken to operationalize the overall objectives. For this purpose, the overall planning can be broken down to the level of individual business units (business units and business units), supplemented and extended, and the planning results adapted in this way may also be agreed as target agreements with the division managers.
In addition to a structured process flow concept, MAPS also provides suitable tools for formulating targets, with the help of which the planning process can be directed in a goal-oriented manner. In addition, MAPS provides a planning model adapted to the individual framework conditions of the respective airport, which allows the planning of individual business units, the mapping of intercompany activity allocation and the production of a consolidated overall group result.